
When life knocks you down, calmly get back up, smile, and say. "You hit like a bitch."



We have the best Family and Friends. Throughout this whole transplant journey, with the ups and downs, the devastating news, the good news, the support we received was amazing. When I told people our first transplant was cancelled, people really rallied around, we were phoned and comforted and everyone cried with us, it wasn’t just contained between the 4 of us, we all got support from our various family and friends, it was such a devastating blow. When we got the good news, everyone was overjoyed with us.

In hospital on the 21st of May this year, waiting for our surgery, we were phoned, sms’ed, e-mailed, whatsapped and there might have been some smoke signals from New Zealand too! Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Stian’s family sent sms’es to Elize and Stian, their friends phoned and texted, our Family from all over the globe sent texts and e-mails, Pete’s sister Cathy has been such an amazing support for us, her and her husband Chris has been there for us through thick and thin. When I started dialysis she would phone Pete all the way from NZ almost daily, she was so worried about us both, but she very importantly let Pete talk, he was going through such a tough time and his Sister was very much there for him, he really needed it. Then Pete’s cousin Jean in England Whatsapped us quite a bit, she would send messages and prayers, it was so good of her. Pete’s other cousin Bridget in Natal was also such a sweet support for us. My Mom couldn’t be with us at the hospital so she phoned alot, sent messages and was just there in spirit. She was the taxi driver for the day, had to take the boys to hockey and to music lessons. She was a great help that day. Pete’s parents are quite old and dealing with some serious health issues at present so we didn’t ask them for help, they were dealing with enough as it was. But they phoned often and always asked how we were doing and how we were holding up. They were so excited to hear we were going to finally have our transplant.

Then there are my friends, my best friend Tanya is such a sweety, she’s always BBM’ing to see how I’m doing, can get rather heated if she feels I don’t listen! Hahahahahaha! But she was so supportive the whole time. Her husband Steve actually showed up at the hospital when Elize and I were in theatre, Pete and Stian really needed it, they were freaked out of their minds because we were gone so long, so him showing up at the hospital was a real Godsend.

I have some very special friends in Cape Town, Brenda and Luke, they BBM’ed me lots on the day of the transplant, and kept me busy when I was seriously bored in ICU. They were both so supportive while I was in hospital, when I had a scare they would be there on my phone talking me through whatever I was feeling. They haven’t met each other, so when Pete and I go to the Cape again we are all going to have lunch or coffee together. My oldest friend in Cape Town also sent me messages of encouragement, it was so sweet to hear from all my friends. I would have loved to see my CT friends in hospital, but it’s a bit far you know!

Then we had great support from Pete’s best friends, Leon who lives in New York and Matthew and his wife Isobel who lives in Canada, they e-mailed and Facebooked and generally encouraged us through all of this. It’s hard when good friends are far away, sometimes you just want to hook up and have a visit, but we will have to make a plan with that and go see them some time.

Then I have a friend in Australia, Donald, he’s such a sweety, he’s always on FB liking this or commenting on that. And Mike, always been supportive of Pete and I he’s also been with us through thick and thin, such a sweet person really.

And Effie, our sweet Greek teacher and Essie our friend in Mauritius, they have been so sweet through  this whole journey.

And then there is my little Sis, Simone, she is a true warrior that one, feisty and always there, she wears her heart on her sleeve, and even though she has gone through some major crap in her life, she will put it all aside and be there for us. She is such a part of our daily lives.

And my Sister Elize and her husband Stian, they are our rocks, we know we can always rely on them no matter what. WE as a family will be eternally grateful for what they have done for us, it has been such a privilege to have them be such a huge part of our lives. Greater support we could not ask for. On a later date I will post what my Sister has gone through for this transplant.

I would like to thank each and everyone who is a part of our lives, and our journey from the bottom of my heart, without these people in our lives, it would have been pretty lonely.

“Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.”- John Henry Jowett